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An intrinsically mild steroid , Oxandrolone owes its large popularity due to its safety. and is quite generally considered to be the safest of all steroids. it is a safe alternative for more harmful steroids. Anavar is very appealing to female athletes as well as male athletes. It causes little or no virilization properties and does not aromatize either. It's the only steroid that is both safe and convenient without producing excess estrogen. That makes it particularly useful when cutting up for a contest or preventing an increase in body-fat due to estrogenic effects. The main use of Oxandrolone to a bodybuilder is in the maintenance of lean mass while reducing body-fat.Like most non-aromatizing compounds it has a repressing effect on the appetite making it easier for the user to control cravings and stay strict with his diet. Anavar also has little effect on the body's own natural hormone production.This means that whatever gains are made, as little as they may be are very easily maintained post-cycle so there is no need to use products like Clomid or Nolvadex in conjunction with Oxandrolone. No significant gains in size and weight are achieved with Oxandrolone so it is best noted for being popular with athletes who want to enhance strength without increasing bodyweight.It stimulates the formation of phosphocreatine, a body compound that can replenish ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) , the main energy currency of the living organism. This gives an incredible increase in short term anaerobic performance, the type needed for explosive action such as sprinting and lifting weight. For bodybuilders the best results are seen when stacking with aromatizable products to boost strength a little more, or in conjunction with a non-estrogenic compound. This is beneficial since it can maintain lean mass, decrease appetite, improve sharpness of the muscle and keep strength levels up without giving increased androgenic risk (acne, prostate hypertrophy, hair loss). For those looking for safe maintenance of muscle mass a stack of Oxandrolone with Primobolan is not a bad investment. For general usage the does should be in the of 0.2 mg per pound, for women 0.08 mg per pound per day. Some common side-effects include headaches, loss of libido, diarrhea and dizziness. In conclusion , Anavar is a popular and very versatile steroid, much desired by both experienced athletes and novice users on a cutting phase oxandrolone makes a good match for 120-140 mcg of clenbuterol daily stacked with something in the nature of Halotestin or Winstrol. The combination improves muscle hardness and striation as well as support mass and strength retention. Winstrol would be a good choice for a stack. 50 mg of Winstrol every day to every other day stacked with 30-40 mg of oxandrolone daily would give a very good result in overall strength enhancement without adding a mentionable amount of weight to the frame

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